Norton Internet Security 2008
Norton Internet Security 2008 is compatible with the following operating systems:
- Windows Vista® Home Basic/ Home Premium/Business/Ultimate
- Windows® XP with Service Pack 2 Home/XP Pro/XP Media Center Edition
What's New in Norton Internet Security 2008:
* Norton Identity Safe keeps your personal information and your identity safe when you buy, bank and browse online.
* Enhanced performance lets you start, scan, and run faster, so you can enjoy your online experience.
* Get help fast with free online technical support via live chat and email all from within the product.
* Optimized product design improves scan times and decreases impact on system startup and resource usage.
*SONAR (Symantec Online Network for Advanced Response)technologydelivers behavior-based protection that can detect emergingspyware andviruses even before traditional signature-based definitionsareavailable.
* Stores and encrypts your passwords and otherconfidential data,automatically filling it at your request to save timeand protect itfrom being stolen by eavesdropping keystroke loggers.
*Network security monitoring checks the status of your wirelessnetworksecurity, maps connected devices, and provides expert advice onmanagingyour network security settings.
Avira AntiVira ® Premium Security Suite
Avira AntiVira ® Premium Security Suite
Avirais a German antivirus software company. Its antivirus applications arebased on the AntiVir antivirusengine, first launched in 1988. It wascalled ?â??H+BEDVDatentechnik GmbHa when it was founded. One of theantivirussoftware, AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic, is free forpersonal usage.Avira is launching a new, comprehensive protectionpackage forend-users as well as small offices and home workers: theAvira PremiumSecurity Suite is a combination of Aviraasbrand-newfirewall and the proven anti-virus software AntiVir PersonalEdition Premium.
Complete security for workstations!
The repeatedly awarded and worldwide used virus and malware protection by over 30 million users now also with WebGuard!
Your advantages:
-Complete security package with virus scanner, AntiAdware,AntiSpyware,AntiDialer, email protection (POP3), Personal Firewall,AntiSpam andproactive AntiPhishing.
- Very easy to install
- One click configuration with individual selection between standard and expert configuration
- Extremely high performance and detection capacity by using the latest standards (AHeAD technology)
- Extremely small program and signature updates make sure that the protection against attackers is always up-to-date
- Rootkit protection
- Virus check of every file and archive access
- Protection of active processes against undesired breakups
- Perfect for game tasks through the "Game mode"
- WebGuard to surf and download safely
Highlights from the WebGuard:
- Checks Internet downloads against viruses
- Recognizes defective files before they are loaded on your computer
- Affected websites can be blocked, isolated or ignored
- Specific files and URLs can be excluded from the examination
- Works independently from the browser you are using
Changes in version
* WebGuard to surf and download safely
* Virus check of every file and archive access
* Protection of active processes against undesired breakups
* Perfect for game tasks through the Game mode.

avast! 4 ProfessionalEdition is a collectionof award winning, high-end technologies thatwork in perfect synergy,having one common goal: to protect your systemand valuable data againstcomputer viruses. It represents abest-in-class solution for anyWindows-based workstation.
Antivirus kernel Automatic updates
Simple User Interface PUSH updates
Enhanced User Interface Virus Chest
Resident protection System integration
Script blocker Command-line scanner
P2P and IM Shields Integrated Virus Cleaner
Network Shield Support for 64-bit Windows
Web Shield Internationalization
Kaspersky Antivirus Portable v7.0.0.120
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0 provides you with traditional anti-virus protection based on the
latest protection technologies. You can work, communicate, surf the internet and play online
games on your computer safely and easily.
Product Highlights
* Three protection technologies against new and unknown threats: 1) Hourly automated database
updates, 2) Preliminary behavior analysis, 3) On-going behavior analysis. New!
* Protection from viruses, Trojans and worms
* Protection from spyware and adware
* Real-time scanning for email, Internet traffic and files
* Protection from viruses when using ICQ and other IM clients
* Protection from all types of keyloggers. Improved!
* Detection of all types of rootkits. Improved!
* Automatic database updates
Additional Features
* Rollback of unwanted changes on your computer
* Self-defense of the antivirus program from being disabled or stopped
* Tools for creating a Rescue Disk
* Free technical support.
AVG Anti-Virus Professional 8.5.336 Build 1515
AVG Anti-Virus Professional 8.5.336 Build 1515 | 88MB
AVGAntivirusis one of the most complete programs we have found to date. Itincludesmany new options to make it one of the most effective virusscanners onthe market. It is still plagued by horrible slowdowns attimes. Eventhings so simple as just typing an IM can be stopped forseveralseconds for some reason. If you can get passed the occasionalslowdownsof your computer, the scanning functionality of AVG Antivirus8 is topof the line. With the rewrite of the scanning engine, AVGincludesmulti-processor support. That dual core processor you boughtisactually going to start getting a workout now. AVG alsoincludessupport for Windows Vista and the 64 bit versions of Windows XPandVista.
* Easy to download, install and use
* Protection against viruses, spyware, adware, worms and trojans
* Real-time security while you surf and chat online
* Top-quality protection that does not slow your system down
* Free support and service around the clock and across the globe
* Compatible with Windows Vista and Windows XP
Integrated protection
* Anti-Virus: protection against viruses, worms and trojans
* Anti-Spyware: protection against spyware, adware and identity-theft
* Anti-Rootkit: protection against hidden threats (rootkits)
* Web Shield & LinkScanner: protection against malicious websites
Easy-to-use, automated protection
Real-timeprotection,automatic updates, low-impact background scanning foron-line threats,and instant quarantining or removal of infected filesensures maximumprotection. Every interaction between your computer andthe Internet ismonitored, so nothing can get onto your system withoutyour knowledge.AVG scans in real time:
* All files including documents, pictures and applications
* E-mails (all major email clients supported)
* Instant messaging and P2P communications
* File downloads and online transactions such as shopping and banking
* Search results and any other links you click on
Internet use with peace of mind
Thenewweb shield checks every web page at the moment you click on thelink toensure you?re not hit by a stealthy drive-by download or anyotherexploits. All links on search results pages in Google, Yahoo, andMSNare analyzed and their current threat level is reported in realtimebefore you click on the link and visit the site.
The best Windows protection - trusted by millions of users
AVG'saward-winningantivirus technology protects millions of users and iscertified bymajor antivirus testing organizations (VB100%, ICSA, WestCoast LabsCheckmark). View all AVG awards & certifications
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